
Vasovasostomy is a surgery by which vasectomies are partially reversed. Another surgery for vasectomy reversal is vasoepididymostomy. Vasovasostomy can be performed in the convoluted or straight portion of the vas deferens. Vasovasostomy is typically an out-patient procedure (patient goes home the same day). The procedure is typically performed by urologists. Most urologists specializing in the field of male infertility perform vasovasostomies using an operative microscope for magnification, under general or regional anesthesia.

If sperm were seen in one or both vas contents at the time of surgery, or sperm reached the patient’s semen only transiently after the reversal, microsurgical vasovasostomy may be successful. there is a 90% chance of opening and closing the postoperative obstruction. This is done with general anesthesia.

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